Our data wrangling experts and visualization wizards help transform your organisational data into meaningful insights and impactful visualizations.
Capable of sourcing data from various sources like APIs, websites, images / pdfs (ORC) and AI into a single and secure repository. Utlising the AWS services enhances the speed and volume of data collected on a dialy basis.
Handling unstructured data from various sources can be a daunting task. We have mastered the art of tranforming unstructured data into a defined structre for further analytics. Our AWS expertise allows us to handle high volume ETL jobs in a secure and efficient manner.
Thoughtful design and scripting expertise allow us to provide you with the most impactful and insightful visualizations. Empower your teams with the right reports and data to take the correct decisions effectively.
We are AWS certified professionals with 5+ years experience in data wrangling and building analytics dashboards for various use cases. Our focus: